In accordance with the requirements of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL hereby informs you of the following details:
The owner of this Website is LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL, with Tax ID Code B60734639, trade name LABORATORIOS ENTEMA and registered office at Pasaje Llobregat, Nave 8, P.I. Can Cortés Sur, Palau Solità i Plegamans, 08184, Barcelona. The company’s contact e-mail address is
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, volume 38358 , sheet 323315, page 98 , entry no. 1.
This information regulates the terms of use, limitation of liability and obligations that Users of the Website published under the domain name assume and undertake to respect.
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL uses this Website to offer its services to its Users, enabling them to access and use LABORATORIOS ENTEMA’s services, and guiding them on how to browse the Website.
Use of the Website confers the status of user and implies agreement with the conditions of the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. If the User does not agree, they must abstain from using the Website. The User is obliged and undertakes to use the Website and its content according to current legislation, the Legal Notice, and any other notice included on this page, and comply with generally accepted rules of coexistence, moral principles and good conduct.
The User undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties any Website content, including, but not limited to, information, text, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, trademarks, icons, technology, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material that they may access as a Website User.
All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the Website are the property of LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL or, where applicable, of third parties who have authorized their use, without the use of, or access to, the Website and/or content conferring on the User any right to the trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs, and without any exploitation rights that exist or may exist over such content being transferred to the User. In no case are these understood to be assigned or authorized for use by the Users of the Website, unless these rights are obtained in writing from their legitimate owner.
If an internet user includes a link to LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL’s Website on their own website, the link will only connect to the LABORATORIOS ENTEMA homepage, but it may not reproduce it in any way. If the Website content is viewed alongside external content, this content shall not mislead, confuse or deceive the user concerning the source of this content, nor shall it constitute an unfair comparison or imitation, nor take advantage of LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL’s reputation.
The website providing the link shall not make any false or inaccurate statement about LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL, its subsidiaries, associates or employees, nor shall said website suggest that LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL has consented to the link, nor that LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL is related to, or collaborates with, said website.
Except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL, whenever a direct link to its Website is allowed, the use of any trademark or any other distinctive sign belonging to LABORATORIOS ENTEMA in the page where the link is located is prohibited, unless expressly authorized.
The page that creates the link must comply with the law and refrain from providing or linking to illegal content or content contrary to moral principles and good conduct.
For its part, the Website itself includes technical link mechanisms that enable the User to access other internet pages and sites, with LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL providing intermediary services in accordance with Article 17 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services. Therefore, LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL will only be responsible for the content and services provided on the linked sites if it has not deactivated the link after learning of the unlawfulness of the link, as provided for by the Law on Information Society Services.
The existence of linked sites does not imply that there are agreements in place with the persons or entities who are responsible for or own the site, and LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL is not responsible for any damage caused by the illegality, quality, out datedness, unavailability, error or relevance of the content of these sites, as it is unaware of them. In any case, if the User becomes aware that a linked site leads to a website offering content or services that are illegal or contrary to moral principles, the User must inform LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL. The e-mail address is available for this purpose. The User must provide their name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, and specify the alleged illegal activity occurring on the Portal, including facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the activity.
The service provider for the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages is the entity LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL, with CIF B60734639 and registered office at Pasaje Llobregat, NAve 8, P.I. Can Cortés Sur, Palau Solità i Plegamans, 08184, Barcelona. This address is also to be used for notification purposes.
Access to and use of these social media pages requires agreement with the general terms of use for social media, and the privacy policy detailed below, and by the policies and rules of each social media platform.
Users may direct any questions or contact LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL by calling (+34) 938644696 or e-mailing
Terms of use for official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages
Please read these terms of use carefully, as they contain all the information concerning your rights and obligations as a User of the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages. Access to and use of the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages is also subject to compliance with the terms established by each social media network as owner of the social media service platform.
Google +:
When the User accesses or uses official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media page, they consent and agree to comply with the provisions of these terms of use.
Children under the age of 14 are prohibited from accessing or using official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages.
Permitted and prohibited uses
The official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages provide a space where Users can publish and exchange information and content, and communicate with other Users.
The official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA page cannot be used for financial or commercial purposes.
The User is obliged to make reasonable use of the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social network pages and their content, according to their intended options and purposes, in accordance with accepted customs and practice, moral principles, relevant legislation, these rules, and the rules and policies published by the social networks. The User will be solely responsible for all kinds of information, images, opinions, references or content that they communicate, host, transmit, make available or display through the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages.
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL shall not be considered responsible for content published by the User, and expressly declares that it does not identify with any opinions published by Users on the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages. Any consequences arising from these opinions are the sole responsibility of the originator.
Use of the official LABORATORIOS ENTEMA social media pages for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without financial gain, is prohibited in all cases.
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL provides a range of content on its Website regarding its activities, products, structure, management and equipment that is common to any corporate Website. LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL declines all responsibility for any damages that may arise from access to content, information, advertising, options, concepts and images provided to Users.
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL is not responsible under any circumstances for:
– Wrongful use of the Website by the User.
– Continuity of Website content.
– An absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or the server that delivers it, both with regard to viewing and downloading of content by the User.
– Content and services provided by other Websites that the User may access from the internet addresses owned by LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL.
– Performance of the content hosted on the Website.
– Damages caused either to themselves or third parties by any person who breaches the terms, rules and instructions established by LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL on this Website.
– Damages caused by violation of LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL Website security systems.
– Malfunctioning of software or plugging (downloads from the link provided for this purpose), which may be required in order to view or listen to certain content hosted on this Website.
– Any activity or behavior that may breach the rights of third parties, especially concerning images, or intellectual or industrial property.
– Editing, revision, censorship and verification of the content of the web pages or websites that the User connects to through the search engine or hyperlinks provided on the LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL Website.
Disclaimer of liability for Website operation
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL provides its services and content continuously, using all technical means at its disposal to do this satisfactorily.
Whenever it considers it appropriate, LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL may correct, improve or modify the information provided on its Website, without this conferring the right to any claim or compensation, nor implying admission of any responsibility.
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL will not be liable for damages of any kind arising from the availability and technical continuity of its Website. LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL will always implement the necessary actions to re-establish its services in the event of a technical failure.
LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL reserves the right to bring any civil or criminal action it considers appropriate for improper use of its Website and content, or for breach of these terms.
In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of this Legal Notice and the Special Conditions for each specific service, the latter shall prevail.
In the event that any provision or provisions contained in this Legal Notice should be considered null or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, such nullity or inapplicability shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Legal Notice or the Special Conditions of the various Website services.
A failure on the part of LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL to exercise or execute any right or provision set forth in these General Terms shall not imply a waiver of such rights or provisions, except with acknowledgement and agreement in writing on its part.
The relationship between the User and the provider shall be governed by the relevant regulations in Spanish territory. In the event of any dispute, the parties may submit their conflicts to arbitration or have recourse to the ordinary courts in compliance with the regulations on jurisdiction and competence in this respect. LABORATORIOS ENTEMA SL is domiciled in Spain.